Math and Physics Courses for Homeschool Students
Online classes and live classes in the Atlanta area
Lucid Education, LLC
Sign up for Class
You may sign up in three easy steps:
  1. Select a course
  2. Enter your info
  3. Pay the registration fee.
Step 1: Select a Course
Select one or more courses on this page. These selections are for one student.
Please visit this page again if you wish to enroll a second student.
Online Classes
Students may begin at any time.
Registration fee: $15 per class

  Algebra 1
  Algebra 2
  AP Calculus AB
  Physical Science
  Computer Science

Classes at Eastside in Lilburn
    Algebra 1
    Algebra 2
    AP Calculus AB
    Physical Science
    Computer Science
Register for these classes at the Eastside website.

Classes at Metro Academic Studies in Buckhead
    Algebra 1
    Algebra 2
    AP Calculus AB
    Physical Science
    Computer Science
Register for these classes at the Metro Academic Studies website.

All material Copyright (C) 2006- by Derek Owens