Math and Physics Courses for Homeschool Students
Online classes and live classes in the Atlanta area
Lucid Education, LLC
Online classes:   $15 to enroll, then tuition may be paid in full or in 9 monthly payments.
Classes at EAST or MAS:   See the EAST or MAS websites. Enrollment at both locations is now done online.
Online classes:   $65 per month.
Nine months is the maximum payment for any course, even if you need more time to complete the course. You only pay for the time you are enrolled. If you need to stop for some reason and resume later, you do not need to pay for the time away. If you finish a course in less than nine months then it costs less. However, if you complete an entire course very quickly and wish for us to grade all of the papers then we do ask for minimum payment of three months.

Parents may also choose to do the grading themselves, in which case the tuition is half price ($32.50). Simply request this when you enroll and we will send the solutions to the parents. Also, it is not a problem to switch to or from the parent grading option at a later time.
Live classes:   Monthly tuition is listed below
For the live classes, payment is expected once each month for nine months, August through April.
Live Class 2024-2025
school year
Prealgebra $85
Algebra 1 $85
Geometry $95
Algebra 2 $95
Precalculus $95
AP Calculus AB $95
Computer Science $95
Physics $95
Western Civilization $95
Multiple Enrollment Discount:
Families that enroll in more than one course at a time (either enrolling multiple students or one student in multiple courses) receive $10 off the monthly tuition for each course. This discount applies to both live and online classes.

Parent Grading Discount:
For the online courses, if parents opt to grade the assignments and test themselves then the course is half price. The multiple course discount does not apply in this case.

Early Payment Discount:
For the live classes, 10% off is offered if payment for the school year is made in full during the first month.
Students should get a copy of the Student Workbook. The Student Workbook contains practice problems, reference materials, and lecture notes that correspond to the lectures delivered in class and in the videos. The Student Workbooks are available at at a wholesale price, usually around $25 to $30, or alternatively, can be printed from this website ( once a student has enrolled.
For the live classes, Mr. Owens will provide the hardback textbooks as needed for Geometry and Precalculus. The books should be returned at the end of the school year. The other classes do not require a textbook.
All material Copyright (C) 2006- by Derek Owens